We aim to
Bring together the public, private, voluntary and community sectors in collaborative action to bridge gaps in provision and resources, increase local progress towards the UN SDGs
Create a more equal and inclusive city, where everyone can achieve sustained happiness
Cambridge has topped the Centre for Cities league as Britain’s most unequal city. In the 45 miles2 which make up the city, average earnings range from amongst the highest of all UK cities, to one in every 10 households with an average income of less than £16,518 per year.
This discrepancy between the highest and lowest earning neighbourhoods extends through all areas of life, affecting social mobility, educational attainment, employment opportunities and even life expectancy. At the moment, less than a third of students who receive Free School Meals will achieve GCSE 5+ grades 4-9 (formerly A*-C).
In 2015, 193 countries agreed to adopt the UNSDGs, and committed to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. 17 goals were defined with targets against each and a deadline for achieving these of 2030. The UN SDGs provide a useful strategic framework for Cambridge 2030.
The focus of the first phase of action for Cambridge 2030 is on promoting wellbeing, beginning before birth.
The work of Cambridge 2030 has begun and will gain momentum throughout the 2020s.